Monday, September 27, 2010

Cultural diffference

        I am from Nepal. Raised in a small town, Dharan with population of  nearly 100,000, vastly a different place from New York with a population of over 8 million.
        When i first came to NewYork 3 years ago, one thing i noticed about the American culture was that Friends are the part of life surrounding. Back in Nepal our cousins, nephews used to be our friends.
 In America, weekends is basically regarded as Friends time, where people enjoy with friends, eat barbeques, drink beers while back in our country weekends mostly is family gatherings, inviting realtives for dinner, enjoying nepalese food and dancing to Nepalese music.
           Other things about American culture is that Americans get what they want, when they want,whatever they want. Here you name it and you get it. You dont have to wait for a season to eat  seasonal food.In our country people wait for months to buy clothes and because meat is expensive comparing vegetables, people regard meat as a luxurious food (meaning rarely eaten).

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hi everyone,

My name is Saurabh Shrestha. I am from Nepal, came to U.S 3 years ago.This is my first semester in Baruch College and I transferred from BMCC.