Friday, October 22, 2010

decision making for better grades

               As a group and also as individuals we all became a part of a Decision making process on (10/13/10) class. Decision for better grades. After we had our results for the first exam we all had to make a decision on how to solve the lower grade issue. Thus, for this 3-5 students stood in front of the class as a group leader(not assigned by anyone) to come to a conclusion and provide basic options.But there stood in front of  us a big problem, so called time constraint. we just had 15 minutes before us to come to an conclusion. But working as a team we however managed to come to a fine conclusion.

             In the Decision making process i was "accommodating" with the situation. Already there were more than 10 students raising their opinion about the matter and me adding to it and within such a limited time would have been a problem for the decision making process.Having said that i was also comfortable with decision my classmates were making.
              Other method which i observed in the class were "compete to win", in a sense that some students wanted to be in front and solve the issue, creating more options for the decision making process which is helpful for other fellow classmates. Additionally, i also saw "Avoidance", when one of the classmate wanted to work in a group to make the decision but other students opposed that idea so he had no chance of winning and became avoided. Also, i saw "compromise", where students were working as a mediator and were trying to get something from the resources provided by our professor.
            In my opinion, working as a Group would had been a better idea for the decision that we were given. Also, every group should have been assigned different task to decide on. This way we would have divided the time for each group, divided the decision to work on and every other students could have their own opinion to provide on the decision. Hence, this method of decision would have  been more beneficial for us which would have saved us time and would have reduced chaos  in the class.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An Egg,8 pieces of Straw,2 feet tape,6 groupmates ultimately resulting in ----------->F.A.I.L.U.R.E

1.Which of the steps in the planning process instructed  did your team actually go through? 
   As a group we went to through all the steps provided. First, we discussed as how could we could make the use of straw. We were provided 8 straws for the protection of the egg. Also, we discussed as  how could we use it in such a way that the egg was visible with 50 percent. Second, we limited each work (cutting straws, tape) in the limited time constraints. Third, we developed a contigency planning for the project only to use it if the first plan didn't work out well. Fourth, each group mate was assgined a task;  to cut the tape, to cut the straw into equal pieces,  to hold the egg carefully, to watch the time and the rest to help the leader  in the preparation of egg shield. Fifth, every one in the group started to take each task with full effort
2. Which did you bypass?Why?
  We used effective use of every planning process mentioned by our instructor.
3. How do you evaluate your team's ultimate performance given the effectiveness of your planning?
  Even though we failed to protect the egg from crashing, i must admit that the plan, and the protection shield prepared for the project was exellent. At first, when the egg was dropped from 10 ft height, it seemed that the egg was fine but after a mini 1 second the egg crashed.
4.How could you have been more effective as a group in the planning of your task?
    We should have known the side effect of the project. We just looked at  the positive side( which was to protect the egg from breaking) and we were so confident with our project(shield). Had we known that this project would have been a failure, we could had been more protective thinking more about the adverse effect of it.