Sunday, December 12, 2010

Different idea for Management

Management 3120:
A class where i learned about my opinion
A class where i learned about my personality
A class where i learned how to make decision

I read the book but found studying experience in class
It was different, totally different from other class
Never had done a blog, neither a practical experience

This was a class for earning more extra credit,
Meaning more opportunity, more learning
It was  a extra effort to make  a difference in learning experience.
More than anything it was a joy to learn the real deal situation in life about business

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A medium for Opinion


                   "The Blog"  as we all know after the whole semester.  During the beginning of
 the semester it was kind of unusual for me. Firstly, because i haven't written a blog before and secondly it was kind of strange to write a blog for Management class. But after some point of time i started to realize that writing a blog is essential for anyone to express view ,opinions about yourself and also your own personal views towards others and how you look towards facts and opinions.
                  Yes, the blogs were quite essential for me. While i was writing blogs about the class activities and when i had to write my opinion about the decision making process i had some of my class mates who disagreed about my opinion when i posted the blog about what i thought had to be done. So, yes it was interesting to know how one's opinion can be opposed which i would not have heard one to one while in class.
                  The blog was more of a practical experience for me. Because whenever i read the book the class activity was kind of different than the class activity. The class activities were sort of real situation deal such as "How will you manage your pizza store as a manager?".But the blog was more of a opinion based platform where we had we answer about: "How would you plan to make a decision?, how would you make a effective decision being in a difficult situation? How do you think about you DISC personality." The blog was a useful way to express the views, opinions about the activities we performed in class.

                 Yes , the blog was a more creative way of learning experience than just reading a book.The blog was a outside of the book which helped to know about what your opinions would be or what would you have done in such situation.

                  One of the question in the first exam was from a blog . So, yes giving attention to the blog would be a beneficial factor for the preparation for the exam.

                    Yes, in future i do plan to continue posting my thoughts about my life, personal thoughts on the blog.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Analysis Paralysis

               After choosing 30 words and categorizing them as my either least or most thing about me I was guessing the test result about my personality might get wrong . Also that i was not pretty sure that such kinds of tests work out. But I was wrong, and Yes the test was right and I finally know about myself that i am a C type of Personality. C Personality means Conscientiousness and a person whose "Emphasis is on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy." I was amazed because the test was right that I get into analysis about what i do. As professor says Analysis Paralysis, jotting down details about the facts.
                   Well, yes I prefer to be Steadiness type of personality. When i work on something i get into it, want to every detail and only after that proceed to the next one. This becomes a disadvantage for me because it becomes a wastage of time. I want to be patient like S personality, work with others in harmony, be calm about my life and studies and everything.
                     "Nothing is Impossible". So, yes i think i can become another type if i work hard to make a habit of becoming another personality.
                      It is certainly helpful to determine people's management type to better understand where they are coming and specially it is good as in this helps other to know what sort of personality a person has and deal with the person in accordance to their personality.
                     This test has been a effective way or to say help me know more about my personality. Now i know where my bad points are and good points. This test can be easily helpful for me to my other personal interactions.

Monday, November 8, 2010

vision with action for my better future

Like others I too have my own goals after graduation. Some of my goals are to work for a business firm, open up my own business and have a family.
                 Firstly, after graduating i would like to work for a business firm,  for at least 2-3 years. I could gain experience, work environment, business plans.
                  After working in  a business firm, i want to open my own business. From my savings and from a bank loan i would start my own business, a retail store for that present moment. If that business worked well and if i thought i could be well over to open other stores i will think of expanding the business. I have also decided to work hard day and night to make the business successful.
                   After having a successful business I would like to have my own family. The main reason for me to work independently by opening my own business and not working under others is because i want to  have my own freedom of work and also that i want to spend my time with my family when i want to. With my own business , I can be with my family when i want to. With the growing years of my kids i can spend the quality time with them.
                     My goals might be different from others but this is what i have in my vision after i graduate from Baruch College with Management.

Friday, October 22, 2010

decision making for better grades

               As a group and also as individuals we all became a part of a Decision making process on (10/13/10) class. Decision for better grades. After we had our results for the first exam we all had to make a decision on how to solve the lower grade issue. Thus, for this 3-5 students stood in front of the class as a group leader(not assigned by anyone) to come to a conclusion and provide basic options.But there stood in front of  us a big problem, so called time constraint. we just had 15 minutes before us to come to an conclusion. But working as a team we however managed to come to a fine conclusion.

             In the Decision making process i was "accommodating" with the situation. Already there were more than 10 students raising their opinion about the matter and me adding to it and within such a limited time would have been a problem for the decision making process.Having said that i was also comfortable with decision my classmates were making.
              Other method which i observed in the class were "compete to win", in a sense that some students wanted to be in front and solve the issue, creating more options for the decision making process which is helpful for other fellow classmates. Additionally, i also saw "Avoidance", when one of the classmate wanted to work in a group to make the decision but other students opposed that idea so he had no chance of winning and became avoided. Also, i saw "compromise", where students were working as a mediator and were trying to get something from the resources provided by our professor.
            In my opinion, working as a Group would had been a better idea for the decision that we were given. Also, every group should have been assigned different task to decide on. This way we would have divided the time for each group, divided the decision to work on and every other students could have their own opinion to provide on the decision. Hence, this method of decision would have  been more beneficial for us which would have saved us time and would have reduced chaos  in the class.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An Egg,8 pieces of Straw,2 feet tape,6 groupmates ultimately resulting in ----------->F.A.I.L.U.R.E

1.Which of the steps in the planning process instructed  did your team actually go through? 
   As a group we went to through all the steps provided. First, we discussed as how could we could make the use of straw. We were provided 8 straws for the protection of the egg. Also, we discussed as  how could we use it in such a way that the egg was visible with 50 percent. Second, we limited each work (cutting straws, tape) in the limited time constraints. Third, we developed a contigency planning for the project only to use it if the first plan didn't work out well. Fourth, each group mate was assgined a task;  to cut the tape, to cut the straw into equal pieces,  to hold the egg carefully, to watch the time and the rest to help the leader  in the preparation of egg shield. Fifth, every one in the group started to take each task with full effort
2. Which did you bypass?Why?
  We used effective use of every planning process mentioned by our instructor.
3. How do you evaluate your team's ultimate performance given the effectiveness of your planning?
  Even though we failed to protect the egg from crashing, i must admit that the plan, and the protection shield prepared for the project was exellent. At first, when the egg was dropped from 10 ft height, it seemed that the egg was fine but after a mini 1 second the egg crashed.
4.How could you have been more effective as a group in the planning of your task?
    We should have known the side effect of the project. We just looked at  the positive side( which was to protect the egg from breaking) and we were so confident with our project(shield). Had we known that this project would have been a failure, we could had been more protective thinking more about the adverse effect of it.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cultural diffference

        I am from Nepal. Raised in a small town, Dharan with population of  nearly 100,000, vastly a different place from New York with a population of over 8 million.
        When i first came to NewYork 3 years ago, one thing i noticed about the American culture was that Friends are the part of life surrounding. Back in Nepal our cousins, nephews used to be our friends.
 In America, weekends is basically regarded as Friends time, where people enjoy with friends, eat barbeques, drink beers while back in our country weekends mostly is family gatherings, inviting realtives for dinner, enjoying nepalese food and dancing to Nepalese music.
           Other things about American culture is that Americans get what they want, when they want,whatever they want. Here you name it and you get it. You dont have to wait for a season to eat  seasonal food.In our country people wait for months to buy clothes and because meat is expensive comparing vegetables, people regard meat as a luxurious food (meaning rarely eaten).

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hi everyone,

My name is Saurabh Shrestha. I am from Nepal, came to U.S 3 years ago.This is my first semester in Baruch College and I transferred from BMCC.